
All posts in 'Food Prep'

26Apr, 16

Kid Snack Ideas: Celery/Hummus or guacamole Carrots/Hummus or guacamole Celery Slices/PB/ Almond butter Apple Slices/PB/Almond butter Berries (I usually buy what’s on sale) Sliced Mango Low-sugar yogurt Organic string cheese. Disclaimer: (lol) I have 4 children, who take lunch to school with them, so between that and afternoon snacks…it goes fast.

14Apr, 16
Simple Shredded Chicken https://cleanfoodcrush.com/simple-shredded-chicken

Simple Shredded Chicken Ingredients: 2-4 lbs.chicken breasts (or whatever quantity you’ll use within 4 days…can freeze once cooked) 1 diced yellow onion sea salt if desired Instructions: Cook in your crock-pot on low for 6-7 hours No other liquid is required because the chicken & onion produce their own cooking liquid.. Rather than shredding with Read More!

6Mar, 16

Refrigerator Snack Drawer Prep Kids (and adults) refrigerator snack drawer all prepped thanks to the kids helping out today! The kiddos are food prepping their own snacks for the week. Getting kids involved is the best way to get kids to eat the good stuff! Various fruits and vegetables (shop the sales!) Rinsed & COMPLETELY Read More!

20Feb, 16

Clean Eating Pantry Inspiration I like to “Spring Clean” in bitter-cold February, so that Spring is wide-open for fun, and memory making! Today I decided to take on the Pantry…getting rid of any bad stuff, restocking with the good. We eat what we have readily available, right? P.s. I have 4 children, shop the sales, Read More!

17Oct, 15

Ham n’ Egg cups Weekend Brunch or Food Prep idea! Ingredients: Fresh eggs ‪‎Applegate‬ uncured ham Cherry tomatoes, sliced Asparagus tops Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Optional: fresh herbs such as scallions, basil, or oregano Instructions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees f Spray or coat regular size muffin tins with olive Read More!

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