

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
22Aug, 19
Clean Food Love

It’s that time again! We’re officially in the frenzy of the back-to-school rush and my house is buzzing with energy!

There are a few things I do every year to make sure that I not only survive but THRIVE in this part of the season.

You don’t need any added stress, so follow my 6 tips for getting organized and keeping your family healthy, happy and well-fed as we transition into fall.

1. Have a Plan

A plan is always the first step to reducing stress in busy times. We have countless healthy recipes right here on CleanFoodCrush, and you can decide ahead of times which days you’ll schedule for meal prep. Also, consider what your “goals” for this season are.

For example, is it important to you that your family avoid the drive-thru? Or how about getting good nights sleeps? Being well-fed for work and school is a top priority in my house, so meal planning is a MUST. We’ll talk about ways to master meal prep later in this article.

2. Do a Family Check-in

Before you get to meal prepping, do a family check-in! It’s a wonderful opportunity for everyone to share their personal goals for the season, and make requests! This is a great time to discuss favorite recipes or make a list of “to try next” recipes that look like fun for everyone. Not only that, but this is a great time to ask for help if you need it. I like to get my kids involved in making little things like overnight oat jars, and snacks to go.

3. Meal Prep

Meal prep is THE game-changer when it comes to feeling prepared and sticking to a CLEAN Lifestyle. Choose a day or two throughout the week and get some meals in the freezer and fridge. Here are a few recipes for you to try:

Sweet & Spicy Chicken for Meal Prep

Easy One-Pan Beef + Cabbage Skillet

Super Easy 3 Ingredient Crock Pot Salsa Chicken

Super Easy Turkey Stir-Fry for Clean Eating Meal Prep

4. Make Breakfast Before Bed

This falls into the meal prep category but breakfast deserves a section all to itself! Since we’re busy in the back-to-school season, having a grab-and-go option for breakfast is super helpful. I love overnight oats and chia bowls as well as muffins! Here are a few recipes for you to try:

Chipotle Sausage Egg Muffins

Pecan & Dried Fruit Overnight Oats

Crockpot Veggie Fritatta

Clean Eating Overnight Oats 4 Ways

5. Create a Family Calendar

Keeping everyone’s schedule in one central place is a major stress reliever! Not only does it help everyone feel organized, but you can see the busy weeks coming and plan accordingly! Meal prep may be especially important on weeks when everyone has extracurricular activities and meetings, so pick some of your fav meals that store well and get to prepping!

6. Be Gentle with Yourself

Remember, you don’t have to be perfect! If you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and give yourself some credit. There’s no sense in being hard on yourself or pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion to make sure everyone is taken care of. You have to take care of you too, so be sure to prioritize a little self-care and ask for support as you need it. Now that you have these tips for thriving in the back-to-school rush, I hope you have an AMAZING start to the fall season. And up next, pumpkin everything!

❤ Rachel

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