

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
10Jan, 17
Six fit-bowl dishes for losing weight
Clean Food Love

This is your 2017 Food Prep secret weapon for when you don’t know what to make, or want to prep a few meals ahead of time! Here are Six DELICIOUS Fit-Bowl recipes:

BBQ Chicken Salad Bowl

1. BBQ Chicken Salad Bowl with Homemade BBQ Sauce

This bowl is a clean eating dream! It’s super flavorful and easy to make. Grab the recipe here.

2. Mushroom & Chicken Marsala Clean Eating Bowls

This recipe is perfectly balanced and super nutritious! Grab the recipe here. 

Mushroom and Chicken Marsala Clean Eating Bowls https://cleanfoodcrush.com/mushroom-chicken-marsala-clean-eating-bowls

3. Clean Food Love Build a Bowl

This is your secret-weapon when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. Building Fit-Bowls is an easy art, click here to read get the recipe and instructions!

Clean Food Love Build a Bowl

4. Super Yummy and Nourishing Fish Taco Bowls

Oh my goodness these were just SO tasty and such a crowd please. Plus, they are fit to make you FIT! Grab the recipe here.

Healthy fish taco bowl

5. Eat Clean Greek Protein Bowls

This one is SO good, I love being able to throw together SIMPLE ideas that look so beautiful. Seriously, Eating Clean is not boring! Grab the recipe here.

Clean Greek Protein Bowls

6. Deconstructed Sushi Bowls

YES, you can have sushi when you’re on a mission to get fit 🙂 These deconstructed sushi bowls were so fun to make, and they’re super filling too! Grab the recipe here.

Clean shrimp sushi bowl

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