
Search Results for: fresh summer

12Oct, 17

20 Ways to Reduce Inflammation and Water Weight Inflammation is what happens in your body when it’s fighting something harmful, such as infections, injuries, and toxins. When something is damaging your cells, your body releases chemicals that trigger a response from your immune system. However, it can be damaging and cause increased water weight. Thankfully, Read More!

12Jul, 17
Fresh Fruit Kabobs by CleanFoodCrush

Creative Fruit Kebobs Summertime Party Perfect! Use any of your FAVORITE fruits, berries, or melons! Mix it up! Be creative with what’s in-person! Ingredients: melon pineapple kiwi raspberries blueberries organic grapes Instructions: Use a melon baller to create balls from your favorite fruits. To assemble: slide 3 fruit balls onto each skewer/large wooden toothpick. Get Read More!

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