
Search Results for: protein

9Feb, 22

Healthy Alternatives for Valentine’s Day Desserts Happy Valentine’s Day, CRUSHers! This upcoming holiday can be so much fun, a chance to celebrate loved ones, and a reminder to practice self-love. It can also rival Halloween for being tough on a healthy lifestyle by surrounding us with sweets and treats. Thankfully, you don’t have to deny Read More!

27Jan, 22

The Best Clean Comfort Foods For Dreary Days Ah, comfort foods. Those feel-good, warm, wrap-you-in-a-hug foods that we turn to when we’re feeling blue or when the weather turns crisp. Cold weather means trying harder to stay warm, and what better way than eating warm food? We all have something that brings those nostalgic feelings Read More!

24Jan, 22

Instant Pot Vegetable + Beef Soup We’re receiving lots of requests for more Instant Pot Recipes over here at the CFC headquarters (aka: my family kitchen). I’ve been making lots of soup in my instant pot the past few months. I love that it tastes like it cooked for hours – but it definitely does Read More!

19Jan, 22

Veggie-Packed Chicken Salad in a Jar Super Tasty Veggie-Packed Chicken Salad stays fresh in your fridge, ready for a quick lunchtime break whenever YOU are! ➡️ Why glass canning jars for salads? Because they stay fresher this way! As long as you build them in the proper order (very important!) Then you’ll have tasty grab-n-go Read More!

14Jan, 22

Creamy Broccoli Chicken Soup 🥦🥦🥦 I completely ADORE a warm bowl of creamy broccoli soup (I love all soup actually) but I wanted to get more protein from my bowl of broccoli soup and make a meal out of it. I’ve had lots of leftover turkey and chicken “hanging around” 😆 the house after the Read More!

6Jan, 22

Wellness Tips For the New Year Happy New Year, CRUSHers! I hope you’re all having an excellent January. Reflections and resolutions are inevitable during the new year, both of which can be so helpful. This time can be a fresh start, a blank canvas on which to paint your dreams and goals. However, it’s also Read More!

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